Blog what?

Posted in Despre persoana on 18/06/2009 by Phoenix

Wow…inca mai traieste!

Numar zilele de cand n’am mai trecut pe aici si nu’mi vine sa cred ca l’am gasit dupa lungi cautari de parole si usere [pentru ca bine inteles ca numai eu pot uita parola si userul pe care le am peste tot…mda…]. Sa revenim.

„Comatose” e un blog mort. Clar. Deabia mai respira saracul. De ce? Mi’e mie lene sa scriu in el…Ori asta ori pur si simplu n’am despre ce sa scriu. Cam asa, cum imi este mie acum. N’am chef de scris, astept sa se termine maintenance-ul [curatenia] pe Fiesta, astept sa se intoarca Ken de la servici[o sa va explic alta data…], astept sa ma sune Cely sa vedem daca se mai muta de pe serverul nostru[pentru ca femeia tot timpul se muta cu prietenul ei, nu? Nu?], astept, cam atat. Sau ma rog…respir, gandesc, ma misc, tastez, casc, ascult, privesc, numar cuvintele, imi rod unghiile, ma enervez pe OutSpark, fac multe chestii, dar tot, pana la urma astept.

Si tre’ sa ma inscriu si la liceu maine, ce bucurie…

Revin. Mai trec pe’aci cand imi aduc aminte. Ciao.

Bored Phoenix.

Chestionarul lui Proust

Posted in Despre persoana, Despre viata on 18/03/2009 by Phoenix

Imprumutat de la Claudia ❤

1. Principala mea trasatura ~ Visatoare. Sunt categoric o visatoare incurabila.

2. Calitatea pe care doresc sa o intalnesc la un barbat ~ Rabdare, onestie[de parca s’ar putea intampla asta…]

3. Calitatea pe care o prefer la o femeie ~ [cu riscul sa fiu numita bisexuala…] Cele enumerate si la barbati.

4. Ce pretuiesc mai mult la prietenii mei ~ Devotament[pe care nu multi il au(si totusi, ii consider prieteni…)]

5. Principalul meu defect ~ Incapatanarea, nesimtenia, obraznicia, lasitatea, curiozitatea, gelozia, egoismul, gandurile intunecate si multe altele…

6. Indeletnicirea mea preferata ~ Munca pe care o fac la subtitrarile anime. :3

7. Fericirea pe care mi’o visez ~ Sa pot petrece o parte din viata mea alaturi de sensei ❤

8. Care ar fi pentru mine cea mai mare nenorocire ~ Sa pierd pe cineva drag, cum ar fi parintii[pe care, desi ne certam in fiecare zi, tot ii iubesc] sau pe sensei, care a fost mereu acolo pentru mine.

9. Locul unde as vrea sa traiesc ~ Kyoto :3

10.Culoarea preferata ~ Rosul[vai ce original! D:]

11. Floarea ce’mi place ~ Zodia mea e reprezentata prin crizantema, dar eu nu prefer nici o floare.

12. Pasarea mea preferata ~ The mighty phoenix.

13. Prozatorii mei preferati ~ Paulo Coelho, Wicabeth[autoare de fan-ficuri YGO]

14. Poetii mei preferati ~ No such thing.

15. Eroii mei preferati din literatura ~ din alt gen de media merge? :3 As enumera aici pe Jack Skellington, cel mai recent.

16. Eroinele mele preferate din literatura~ La fel ca sus. O pun pe Sally, tot din „A nightmare before Christmas”.

17. Compozitorii mei preferati ~ pauza mare aici -_-

18. Pictorii mei preferati ~ I prefer digital art, sankyu :3

19. Eroii mei preferati din viata reala~ No such thing, so stop lying! <.<

20. Ce urasc cel mai mult ~ Sa fiu injunghiata de acele persoane pe care le las in spatele armurii ce mi’am construit’o, pe care le las aproape de inima mea[caz real aici, nu doar vreo idee trasnita menita sa atraga atentia…darn, I miss that girl so much…]

21. Calitatea pe care as vrea sa o am din nastere ~ Toleranta la durere sufleteasca

22. Cum as vrea sa mor ~ Fara ca cei apropiati sa planga din cauza mea. In rest nu ma intereseaza…

23. Greselile ce’mi inspira cea mai mare indulgenta ~ nu cred ca inteleg…

24. Deviza mea ~ Nu am asa ceva, nu cred ca merita sa ma gandesc la ceva daca si asa nu o sa ma tin de acel lucru.

Pot spune cu sinceritate ca mi’ai dat lacrimile de la cateva intrebari…Nimic altceva de zis.

Beloved Phoenix.

Despre idee, despre cuvinte

Posted in Despre persoana, Munca unui artist necunoscut on 13/03/2009 by Phoenix

There she was, holding the paintbrush tightly, holding back her tears while the others waited anxiously for the finished art. Mixed emotions fought in the depts of her heart, almost tearing her appart. She felt like she had – no! She felt like she needed to finish the painting, not only for her very wealth customers, that payed enourmous amounts for her work, but for herself as well, as she left like it was her duty as an artist to create. Still, to paint something so dear to her in such a position…it was to much for her heart to bear. How could she end up in this position? How could they end up in such a position? Tragic…so tragic…

Cam asa arata inceputul unei noi idei a artistului necunoscut. Adica eu. Si asta e creatia mea…

Ciudat, uneori stau si citesc randurile iesite din unealta mea[fie stilou, fie tastatura] si imi vine sa spun ca nu sunt ale mele. Majoritatea lucrarilor mele sunt asa de intunecate, de realiste, de…tragice…Uneori, mi se face rau cand le citesc. Parca nu sunt ale mele cuvintele…

Dar ale cui sa fie? Singurul martor al acestor cuvinte este unealta mea. Nici macar eu nu sunt atenta cand scriu, put si simplu las ideile sa umple paginile, uneori, fara sa citesc ce am scris, uneori fara sa aiba logica cuvintele…

Uneori? Aproape de fiecare data. Nu am trecut niciodata de doua ori peste aceeasi fraza atunci cand am scris’o. Parca as pierde timpul, desi dureaza doar o secunda…

Ma rog, iar am inceput sa aberez. Va las cu ideea ca ideile bune sunt nascute din fum.

Cine’mi spune de unde e propozitia aceea primeste 10, eu nu’mi aduc aminte decat ca mi’o aduc aminte…

Beloved Phoenix.


Posted in Despre viata on 12/03/2009 by Phoenix

…am trezit’o pe Ada ca sa aflu ca nu vine la meditatie

…NU am facut meditatia, deoarece domn profesor era plecat[ciudat, chiar el mi’a zis ca e plecat…la el la usa…acasa…]

…am fost cu laura la McDonalds[am mancat pe drum, avand in vedere ca nu mai aveam timp]

…am jucat carti si m’am enervat pe majoritatea celor care au jucat cu mine[nooo, nobody cheats! DX]

…am dat lucrare la geografie[sau mai bine zis, Cristina a dat lucrarea mea(sankyu, luam 4 fara tine <3)]

…eu si Alexandra ne’am rugat de Dl. Dumitrescu sa nu ne dea lucrare

…am copiat problemele la fizica de la peste 5 persoane

…am fost numita „Discovery Channel” DIN NOU[devine stresant si penibil dupa o vreme…]

…am luat 10 la religie…ahh, si am scris tot ce a zis profa cand a dictat[inca ma mai doare mana…]

Momentan lucrez la o noua idee asa ca nu prea am timp de bloggin’ >.<

Your truly,


No posts?

Posted in Uncategorized on 10/03/2009 by Phoenix

Lenea mea absoluta si durerile de cap ma impiedica sa postez. Sowwy.

Promit ca o sa mai public ceva cat de curand, de preferinta dupa ce ma duc la un control la ochi. Pana atunci, timpul meu la PC este limitat.

Gomenasai. O sa revin. until then…

Yours truly,


Goddess of a thousand lies II

Posted in Munca unui artist necunoscut on 03/03/2009 by Phoenix


Chapter II: Miss June

The sun rays were shining brightly on the lollypop, giving it a transparent devilish look. On one of the benches in the now crowded park, two high-school girls were sitting, one of them intriguingly looking at her sweet, while the other had her head-phones on, staring at the crowd. Everyone was minding their own business, most of them dueling more then walking. Every person passing by was leaving a dark shadow in her eyes and with so many people passing; her sight was almost completely blackened.
Koyuki saw her friend thinking. It was really unlike Joanna to stare blank at something. The fact was, she wasn’t staring at anything at all!
“Hey, I know you wanna get back on Kaiba, but do you think this is a good idea? I mean, you know I like pulling pranks on people and stuff, but…someone might actually get hurt…Not that I don’t like seeing people get hurt! Yeah, but…Hey! Are you even listening to me?” Koyuki’s face was red with anger. She couldn’t stand being ignored, especially not by someone she knew.
Joanna was lost in her mind and thoughts. Even though she could hear her friend’s voice, she wasn’t paying any attention to it. She couldn’t make a sentence out of a thousand words, so why bother then? She was better of listening to the depressing music coming out of the head-phones. A slight chill in the air caught Joanna’s attention. Between all those people, a small, child-like figure appeared, a figure that she knew all too well.
“Now seriously, are you gonna…” Koyuki continued babbling when she was interrupted by her friend.
“He hasn’t changed one bit…he looks exactly the same as back then…”
“Ehh?” said Koyuki surprised. She turned her head away from Joanna and focused ahead of them, as she distinguished the small figure her friend was talking about. “Isn’t that Kaiba’s little brother?”
Indeed, it was Mokuba. A few meters away, his older brother was busy talking on his cell-phone. The little boy yelled something at Kaiba, very indiscreetly. He nodded in approval and continued the important conversation. Visibly happy, Mokuba ran thought the crowd, as he was trying to make a way out.
Joanna considered this to be a chance to get close to the Kaiba brothers. She quickly put on her skates and ran away, before she would lose Mokuba’s sight and before her friend could say anything. She almost caught him, when Mokuba took a short-cut thought an alley. Unfortunately for Mokuba, the alley wasn’t deserted. Too many people knew that part of the city belonged to a well-known gang of thieves, with a reputation at raping.
“Hey guys…Look who decided to drop by…”
“Well if it isn’t Kaiba’s little bro.”
“Dude, I could swear Kaiba has a sister!”
“What matters if we get what we want?” the thief smirked, as he approached the trembling boy.
“I-I’ll call the police and then you’ll be sorry!” Mokuba said, trying to threaten the attacker.
“I wonder how you’ll call the police if you’re strapped to a bed!”
The thief moved in for the ‘kill’, when he found himself on the ground with a phone thrown at his face. Only after a few seconds he realized his position and looked upwards. A slim feminine form darkened him with its shadow. He couldn’t see the woman’s face because of the lights behind her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” the woman said as she approached. “Don’t you ass-holes have anything better to do than hurt kids?” She had got close enough now for the thief to see her face. “Neh, Rick?”
“How…how do…”
“Well, Rick, I should know your name and, of course, you should know mine, but, I…” she bend down to whisper in his ear. The thief was now trembling more than Mokuba did. “I…kinda changed my appearance over the years…unlike you.” she straightened herself and walked away from the thief. “Come on, Mokuba.”
She took Mokuba by the arm and walked out of the alee very indifferent. It was as nothing had happened there, in the dark alley near Domino City Park.
‘He hasn’t changed one bit…This is kinda creepy. I’m standing next to Mokuba and he doesn’t recognize me…I wonder if Seto will…’
As they stepped out of the darkness, Kaiba ran towards them, visibly afraid for his brother’s wellbeing. The two stopped in front of the young CEO. Mokuba jumped in his brother’s arms, holding him tightly by the waist. Although his eyes were watery, he was happy to be back in his brother’s safe and secure presence.
“Seto! I’m so sorry I wandered off. I promise I won’t run away again.” the little boy said while grasping his elder’s coat. The older Kaiba whipped away his little brother’s tears, assuring him that nothing would happen to him. “But…but Seto, I almost got raped back there!” the boy let go of Kaiba’s coat.
“You know, you should be more careful with you’re lil’ bro, Kaiba. He can get hurt if you don’t take care if him.” The girl interrupted the tearful reunion of the two.
Kaiba looked at the girl, or more at her overall appearance. Messy hair, strange clothes…And yet, she had a deck-holder strapped on her left leg. That was a good thing, she was a duelist. And still, Kaiba felt pretty strange in the rebel girl’s presence. It was very familiar, yet too far to reach or remember.
“And who are you? But more importantly, what are you doing with Mokuba? I haven’t seen you before.”
‘Of course you did, idiot! You just don’t remember, that’s all. I was expecting this reaction from you…Haha! You haven’t changed one little bit, Seto!’
Joanna couldn’t help to giggle as she saw Kaiba’s expression. Her reaction sprung a wave of questions in Kaiba’s head, most of them without any answer. It was unclear why the young rebel was laughing. Could she be laughing about something he said? Highly unlikely. He didn’t say anything wrong or out of place.
“What’s so funny?” he asked with a severe, almost offended tone. His patience was reaching its limits.
“Ahh, sorry, sorry! It’s just that I’m standing here, in front of the most important person after the president and, of course, after the King of Games.”
It was crystal clear that her comment was mocking and very offensive. As much as he wanted to reply in the same way, Kaiba had to show a sign of decency and manners in front of the rebel girl. He patiently waited for the duelist to continue, even thought he was struggling to hold his tongue.
“Ehh, I’m just a small-town duelist looking for a job. Instead, I found you’re lil’ bro being harassed by a gang of thieves.”
“So, practically, you saved him, right?”
“Pretty much…” she replied.
“A job?!” Mokuba whispered. He remembered the morning’s incident with the maids’ note.
“What’s wrong, Mokuba?” Kaiba asked his younger brother.
“Seto, look at this.” He said, pulling the folded note and handed it to his brother.
Kaiba unfolded the note and quickly, but carefully read the written lines. It was a shock to find out that he had no more employees. But still, his calm and collected mind took advantage of the situation and quickly made a plan.
“Hey, you said you wanted a job, right?” he asked the girl. ”If you would like, you can work as a maid at the Kaiba Mansion.”
“Ehh! Seto, don’t be so hard. She should be our guest, not maid. She did save my life. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?” Mokuba replied, pretty shocked by his elder’s offer.
“Giving her a job would help her out more than just being out guest. If she has the right age, she can be a live-in maid and a full-time babysitter for you. Right, miss…” Kaiba stopped. He embarrassedly realized that he didn’t ask her for a name. Joanna realized the same thing, as she saw his reaction.
“June. My name is June Ishimaru. And yes, I’m 18, so I guess I can be a live-in made. But I have a question, Kaiba. Why would you want be to be your maid?” she asked very gently.
“As payment, Miss June. I don’t like to owe people anything, so you’d better take the offer. If not, I can find someone else anytime.” he crossed his arms and didn’t move his eyes off her.
Joanna was ready to give Kaiba an answer, when her cell phone started to ring. She politely excused herself and quickly turned around, as she pressed the ‘answer’ button. She heard the feminine, yet strong voice of Koyuki. She was practically screaming on the phone because of the background noise. She was still in the park, but couldn’t find her friend. Joanna also had to raise her voice to be heard.
“Ko-Koyuki?! I can’t hear you. Listen carefully. Go back home. I’ll meet you back there, ok? See ya.” Joanna turned back to the Kaiba brothers. “Sorry ‘bout that. What were you saying?” she asked, clearly distracted.
“I don’t have that much patience, miss June. Take it now or leave it be.” He narrowed his eyes and raised his right eyebrow.
“Geez, you’re no fun, Kaiba…or should I call you ‘master’ from now on?” she replied with irony.
“I assume you have accepted my offer. Then I will be expecting you shortly at out mansion. Just tell me where to send the limo to pick you up. I’m sure you will want to take some personal belongings with you.” He said with a little more patience in his voice.
Joanna wrote down her address on a piece of paper and ran off, away from the two brothers, leaving them there, in the crowded center of Domino City Park.
‘That was easy, wasn’t it? You’re so predictable, Seto. And because of that, you’ll pay, I promise. Just wait and see. Actually, don’t wait. As I’m running now away from you, you’ll be running towards you’re demise, without even knowing it was me this whole time.’

* * *

“Ok, let me get this straight…” Koyuki said with her arms crossed across her chest, as she watched her friend pack up all her clothes. “You told Kaiba you’d be his live-in maid because you were looking for a job, although you weren’t, right?”
“Yeah”. She replied quickly.
“And you told him that you’re name is June, right?”
“Last question, Joey…” Koyuki took her friend’s hand to stop her in her action. She let down her head, only to burst out in an act of fury. “Why on Earth would you use my last name?!?!” her face was filled with anger.
Joanna stared a second at her friend and then released her hand, as she continued to pack. She hadn’t thought about what she had said to Kaiba, especially not about the name she had presented herself with.
“I had to give him a fake name, Koyuki. I couldn’t have just said ‘Hey, baby boy, do you remember me? I’m the bitch that you left back at the orphanage.” Joanna sped up her movement with anger. She was furiously tossing her clothes in the large suitcase.
Koyuki sat down on the queen-size bed, holding a pillow in her arms. She watched as her friend slowly calmed down. As the sound of the suitcase’s zipper slowly penetrated her ears, she realized that she wouldn’t see her friend as much as usual. There were mixed emotions in her heart: sadness, regret…but delight also, because now she could help Joanna get revenge on the young CEO.
Before she left, Joanna tightly hugged her friend as she said ‘goodbye’. The limo pulled up in front of the apartment block, waiting for the young girl.
She slowly descended with the rusty elevator. The screeching noise was almost unbearable, like every other sound that came out of that building. You always knew when someone left their home, since every door was rusted. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, a woman screamed her lungs out, trying to run away from her psychopathic husband. It was terrible living in that place, but she didn’t have an other solution. As much as Koyuki insisted on her staying with her and her uncle, she refused politely every time, saying that she couldn’t sleep causing such trouble. And so, she decided to live in a small flat, at the edge of the city. Money was a constant problem. Either working in a café-shop, either for a wealthy old couple, she always found a way to get thought the hard days, even if that meant sleepless nights and days.
The elevator finally stopped with a terrifying noise. She opened the rusty metal door, dragging her suitcase behind her. As she pulled up next to the limo, she realized that the only person in it was the driver. It was no surprise, knowing how busy her new master was. She threw the suitcase on the back seat and climbed in front, next to the driver. The man smiled at her, but she didn’t reply to his action. It would have been pointless to try to be kind to the other staff members, knowing that they didn’t know her and she didn’t know them.
An uncomfortable silence settled between the two staff members for the rest of the way. Joanna was practically ignoring every word the driver addressed her. She gazed at the softly lighted road as the made every turn, getting closer to their final destination.
The car slowed and finally stopped at the front of the Kaiba Mansion. The driver once more helped Joanna to exit the car and escorted her to the front of the mansion. Although she insisted on walking alone, the mad had strict orders to take her all the way to the young master.
They stopped in front of the large oak door. The man took his cap off, bend down, saluted and returned to the car. Joanna also turned herself to the door. A gentle knock was enough to get a fast response from inside. As quickly as she imagined, Mokuba appeared in front of her with the most cheerful face the young boy could put on.
“June!! It was about time you got here! Come on, let’s go inside.” he said overly excited, as he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her inside. The door closed behind them, while in front, a stairway split itself in two ways.
Mokuba took Joanna to a small white room. Although it was small, it was two times as big as the flat she lived in. Not too much furniture, just enough to keep her happy.
“This will be your room, June.” The boy said, as he walked inside. “I hope you like it.”
Joanna woke up from her white fantasy dream about the room and replied, as she shook her head:
“Yes. I like it very much, young master.” Her tone was calm and sweet, almost mother-like.
“You don’t have to call me that way, June! I really don’t like it. Just call me ‘Mokuba’, ok?” he smiled gently with his eyes closed.
“Ehh…of course, Mokuba. I’d be glad to.” she replied with the same kind smile as the boy.
“Anyway, you should get dressed before Seto gets home. He should get back any minute.”
“Get…dressed? In what?” she said with surprise and concern.
“In you’re new uniform, of course!” Mokuba giggled as he pulled out a short laced uniform from the closet.
Joanna stared long at the dress, then at the boy and back at the dress. She realized what the boy said only after a few minutes. The shock was almost unbearable.
“EHH?! I’m gonna wear that?!” she practically screamed. Mokuba didn’t seem to be surprised as her reaction, as if that wasn’t the first time that happened. Instead, he smiled and handed the dress to the terrified young girl.
“Welcome to the Kaiba Mansion, Miss June!”

Story, Joanna Heathrow © ShamanicDuelist

Artwork, Ishimaru Koyuki © anne-demoangel

Yu-gi-oh!, Seto Kaiba, Mokuba Kaiba © Kazuki Takahashi, Konami

Goddess of a thousand Lies I

Posted in Munca unui artist necunoscut on 28/02/2009 by Phoenix


Chapter I: First Contact

“So you are really leaving, aren’t you? And you’re gonna leave me here, to rot in this dump?”
“This is no longer my decision.”
“Well…it was your decision and you chose to forget everything about me. That’s just…”
“Just what?”
“Pathetic. There’s no other word for it. It’s just plain pathetic. Or is it just because I’m taking things too seriously? Well? What do you think? Am I the one who will lose here? I’m not gonna lose a thing, baby. You’re the one who is gonna lose me.” She said it in a very calm tone. It was amazing how she could keep her cool while facing such a situation.
“I…” he said but was rudely interrupted.
“You know what? I’m wrong. I have never been yours. I was just fooling myself into believing that. I mean…we’re just kids.”
“That’s why you didn’t have to take things so seriously. It’s was just a foolish child game. Nothing more.”
That was it. They were never going to see each other again. It was the end of a beautiful friendship, and maybe even more. But there was no way that they could continue fooling themselves into thinking that it was going to last. The truth was shouted out loud: it was the end.
The limo drove away in a cloud of dust, leaving her behind, along with the memory of them even meeting each other.
‘I can’t believe I thought everything we had would last…I was so naive to think that it wasn’t gonna stop. I knew this was coming, yet I continued to believe this lie…Was it a lie? Stop it! Of course it was. You have the proof right in front of you. He’s not here anymore. I’m never going to see him again…’
Now that she said it, it was even harder to face the truth. Was it a lie? And if it wasn’t, then why didn’t he do anything? As the dust from the limo covered the dirty road, a new feeling clouded her mind. Hate. Yes, she hated him now. But most of all, she hated herself for not being able to stop herself, even though she knew it was going to end as soon as that man was going to step foot into the orphanage. Yeah, he might have made the life of a lot of kids better, but with the cost of a child’s life…her life.
‘I guess there’s nothing left here. I might just go back to him. After all the times I’ve been there for you and you’ve been there for me, now you’re just gonna let me walk back to him? Neh…Seto?’

* * *

It was almost midnight. The CEO of KaibaCorp was sitting alone in his office, reading a long speech, still being unable to remember anything that he was saying. He was waiting for a call from one of his staff to confirm that Mokuba was in bed and sleeping. Asking himself when he was going to get the call, he tried to put behind all the bad memories of that horrible week. He wanted to take his mind off the incompetence of some of his employees developing the latest system. There had already been several system crashes and lost data that he had to deal with and his patience was wearing off.
12 o’clock sharp. The sound of the grandfather clock wasn’t new to him. Actually, he knew the sound all to well. It was the sound that reminded him that he has a life outside that office, a life in which he had a little brother to look after and who was probably waiting for him to return home, although it was that late.
‘It’s late. I should probably call the limo to come and pick me up. I’m almost certain that Mokuba isn’t sleeping, but I can’t do anything now. The faster I get home, the faster he will go to bed.’
Only the gentle padding of his boots upon the concrete on their way home filled the air. When he lifted his head, he saw the Domino City Park and decided a small stroll through would not hurt much. Not surprisingly, he found it deserted. That was another reason the young CEO enjoyed walking late at night. It was quiet at night and there were few people out that could bother him.
He walked with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his ever-present briefcase and gazed down the softly lit path. Just up ahead, he thought he could make out a form of some sort upon one of the benches. Curiosity getting the better of him, even though he told himself that the limo was on the way, he approached. To his surprise, the form was only a little dog, trembling in the cold night air.
‘Haha…This reminds me of that mutt, Wheeler…He and his pack of animal friends have been annoying me from the very beginning. I wonder why Mokuba enjoys their company so much…Well, I guess since I’m always gone, he feels pretty alone. I should hire some more staff to stay home with him…Actually, I’ll do that tomorrow. At least this way I can concentrate on the new project without him calling me all the time.’
The sound of his cell phone interrupted him from his internal monologue. It was Mokuba’s number. With a flip of his thumb, he opened the cell phone cover and pressed the dial button.
“Seto, you better get back home right now and get some rest. Tomorrow is the big day!” the boy said overly excited.
“I’ll be there as soon as possible. And if you want to play video games again for the next three days, you should go to bed.”
With another flip, he ended the call and slipped the phone back into his pocket. His icy blue eyes noticed that the little dog was gone, so he did the same. Just as he reached the entrance to the park, his limo pulled up. Once he was settled onto the back seat, they were speeding off towards the Kaiba mansion. He looked solemnly out the window, gazing at the flashing lights before his eyes. An uncomfortable silence settled for the rest of the way. Seto’s gaze never left the window. Tomorrow was the day Mokuba had been eagerly waiting for: the Duel Monsters’ Celebration Day. It was kind of like a Halloween for all the duelists in the city. He had been waiting for this day since Kaiba promised him he would take a day off and bring him to Kaiba Land for a day of fun and celebration. Well, as fun as Kaiba could be…He was almost obsessed with the though that he would lose a precious day of work, especially when everything was going to bad with the new design for his system.
The car slowed and finally stopped at the front of the Kaiba mansion. Mokuba was already waiting beside some of Seto’s bodyguards. He followed his brother inside until he felt a soft pull at his sleeve and turned to see the powerful teen’s gaze.
“I thought I told you to go to bed, Mokuba.” he said with a cold voice.
“I know Seto, but I can’t wait for tomorrow! It’s gonna be so much fun! We can duel and eat cotton-candy and dress up as Blue Eyes!”
Now, Mokuba knew that he wouldn’t convince Seto to get in a costume, especially in front of all those people that would be at the festival, but he could at least hope that that day would get him to forget about his work and just relax. On the other side, Kaiba considered that “little break” to be an opportunity to see all the flaws of his prestigious park. He couldn’t stand the idea that something he has designed, something he worked so hard on could be imperfect. Yes, he was chasing perfection. A perfection that he knew doesn’t exist, but still continued to try to reach it.
Although his little brother didn’t know about it, the young CEO had a lot of problems sleeping in the past few days. It was like a presence continued to haunt him in his dreams, over and over again, every night, with no exception. Every night, he would wake up gasping for air like a fish out of water, with a sinister voice continuously whispering in his ear.
“Wake up…wake up…WAKE UP!”
And he always waked up in his dream, but that never stopped the voice. It kept whispering and eventually, started yelling in the last few days. It was very frustrating and it was basically taking all the energy out of him. And the fact that Kaiba was a workaholic didn’t help out one bit. Even his personal doctor insisted on less working hours, but he wouldn’t give in that easily. Of course, the consultations were very discreet, so that no one in the house was to find out, especially not Mokuba.
This night was no exception either. After making sure his little brother was asleep, Kaiba walked back to his own, personal room. As he locked the door with the small aluminum key, a ghostly thought crossed his mind: what if that dream had a significance? No! It couldn’t have…could it? After he banned the dreadful thought from his mind, he returned dressing in long, dark blue, silk pajamas. He pulled back the covers to his side of the bed and slipped in carefully. He thought he would have trouble falling asleep again, even after he took the medication, but he seemed to be lulled into a deep slumber. Although the beginning of the night was relatively calm and resting, as soon as the clock struck midnight, Kaiba’s deep sleep turned into a deep nightmare, with no way out.

The next morning, Mokuba was woken up by his alarm clock, hoping to catch his big brother at home. He just stepped out of the bathroom, stretching and yawning, when he saw a small folded note under the door. He was standing there, still, with his arms above his head. Then, he let them slowly down and swallowed his next yawn, looking at the piece of paper. It was probably from his brother, saying that he was sorry that he couldn’t stay home till later, so he decided to ignore it. But curiosity was getting the better of him, so he went to the door and picked it up. To his surprise, it wasn’t from Kaiba, but from one of their maids.
“I’m very sorry young master, but I have had enough of my life. You and mister Kaiba have been treating us – all the maids – really badly and we just can’t take it anymore. That’s why, young master, we – and I speak for everyone – are quitting our job at the Kaiba mansion.
With respect,
All the maids”

Despite the almost serious problem, he smiled. He folded the note again and he went to his opened window. He looked outside, without seeing, in fact, the wet grass or the beautiful sky that promised a hot and sunny day, perfect for going out. Not even this could bring him down. It was the day. In fact, this little “event” didn’t do anything but contrast deeper, fact that made the day even more beautiful. Mokuba hurried to the closet and pulled out his clothes in a flash. The clothes where pretty randomized. A pair of jeans, a multicolored T-shirt and a baseball hat with Kaiba Corporation’s initials written on it was pretty much it.
The moment he finished dressing, his cell-phone started ringing. There was only one person that could call him and that was his brother.
“Seto? Seto!! Where are you now? When can we go to the festival? I can’t wait, Seto!”
The sound of the young boy was sharp and quick into Kaiba’s ear. He had never seen Mokuba so pumped since the last Duel Monsters’ Day, when, surprisingly, Kaiba actually allowed the presence of Yugi and his friends near him, since Mokuba insisted so much. His concern now was that this might happen again.
“Cut it out, Mokuba. And stop yelling! I can hear you even if you talk normally.”
“Oh! Sorry Seto. I’m just super excited! Oh yeah! Seto…can I ask you a favour?”
Mokuba’s voice suddenly changed into his puppy-like sweetness. This was a clear sign of trouble coming from the boy. Kaiba knew what his brother was intending to do, so he had prepared himself with a series of answers. He was practically not talking any chances with that day.
“No, Mokuba.”
“But I didn’t even tell you what I want!” the young boy shouted again in his brother’s ear. This time, Kaiba took it pretty lightly, so that he wouldn’t have to ruin Mokuba’s day. What the CEO didn’t realize was that the fact that he said “no” was a big enough reason to create tension between the two.
“I said no, Mokuba. I won’t dress up as Blue Eyes, I won’t turn off my cell phone and I won’t personally invite Yugi and his friends to join us today. If they come, and I bet they will, they will go without us. And that’s final. Understood?”
Mokuba swallowed a faint cry and obeyed his older brother. He knew that if he put up any resistance, it would end up with his punishment, the worst form being the fact that he wouldn’t have permission to go to the festival. It was pretty sad how Kaiba was so harsh with his younger sibling. But underneath all that harshness, Kaiba really loved his brother and would have done anything for him, even risking his own life. In fact, Kaiba was put up to that kind of situation before and every time, he managed to save Mokuba.
Kaiba was desperately trying to get rid of all his bad thoughts, telling himself that he didn’t have to worry so much about it. The doctor assured him that the medication would assure him a long, healthy sleep. Yes, Kaiba was almost obsessed with the dreams he had. They were draining the life out of him with every night that passed. The worst part about his ‘condition’ was the fact that he had to cleverly disguise it from Mokuba. It wouldn’t do either of them any good. It was a problem that he had to deal with himself, even if that meant lying to his younger brother. If Mokuba already knew about his brother, he hid it well. But with every passing day, it became harder and harder for the young CEO to keep his eyes open. He would never have thought that it was so hard to be the same as always. Because he was alone in his office now, he did not work so hard at hiding his emotions. He sat down on his chair, with his fingers laced between each other. It only took him a second to realize what he was doing.
“I need to snap out of it!”
Kaiba fought down the liquid that stung his eyes. His voice sounded disbelieving, even to his own ears. The lump in his throat was nearly suffocating him. He felt his self-control slipping. He was trying so hard not to let his emotions surface. What good had they done him before? What good had they done? He began to slow down his breathing in an attempt to ease his shaking hands. The method rarely worked anymore. Now, every time he practiced this skill, the feelings of betrayal washed over him again, canceling any calming effect. However, he was willing to try everything at this point. He could not go to the festival with Mokuba this way. He had to be strong, had to be the Seto Kaiba that was expected, had to embody coolness, detachment, and stoicism.
He glanced at his dashboard clock 12:45 PM. It was still early. Good. The only good thing that had happened to him that day. He left his office with no rush. He entered the lobby with his hands slipped in his pockets as he headed for the elevator. The movement of the elevator was, in his eyes, slow, but cursive like water dripping. With every floor that passed, with every light that shined in his eyes, he felt dizzier and dizzier. He had to lie back the elevator wall, so he did. His eyes were clenched with every passing light that shone in his eyes. The elevator reached the last floor just in time. He couldn’t stand the sickening movement anymore.
At the entrance to KaibaCorp was the limousine with Mokuba right beside it. His brother’s presence took the elder Kaiba by surprise. He quickly reassumed his straight position, with his briefcase in one hand and with the other in his left pocket. The large glass doors moved to the sides for him to pass and exit the building.
Mokuba looked a little blushed. The first thought that passed Kaiba’s mind was that something bad happened to him. Then, he rationalized: Mokuba was with two of the best bodyguards he had. So then…what did happen? Mokuba saw his elder brother thinking about the situation and he couldn’t help but giggle. That reaction immediately informed Kaiba: Mokuba had done something very wrong. It was very possible that Kaiba’s worst fears could have been sitting on the back seat of his own limo. His eyes were wide opened now, almost scared at the response that he would get.
“Oh God! Mokuba…please don’t tell me you…please don’t tell me you invited Yugi and his friends to come with us!!”

* * *

At the Duel Monsters’ Celebration Festival, joy was present everywhere. Balloons shaped as various Duel Monsters were flying everywhere in sight. The Domino City Park was filled with an outstanding number of people, most of them duelists, ready to answer any challenge thrown at them. A couple of familiar faces appeared at the festival as well: Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood were, as usual, planning they’re no goods. Who knew what rookie duelist would fall prey to those two scumbags? However, unlike those two, in the world of dueling there were some people that actually respected their opponents, even in the face of defeat, duelists such as Mako Tsunami, Joey Wheeler and, the best example for young duelists, Yugi Mutou, the King of Games himself. Even Seto Kaiba could be named at this category.
The limo pulled up at the entrance at the park. Everybody was expecting to see Kaiba in his normal attire, along with his ever-present know-it-all attitude. Now, Kaiba was not known to joke around with people – he wasn’t even known to smile – so his new appearance was quite a shocker. Most of the people that saw him deduced that that was Mokuba’s idea, but still…
The moment Kaiba stepped out of the limo; all eyes were drawn towards him. Even if they were not looking, they we’re staring. He blushed deeply, very unlike him. How Mokuba convinced his older brother to get out of the white sleeveless jacket and into normal clothes was a complete mystery. Kaiba looked very high-school-ish. Although he was dressed very casual, he had a sophisticated look to him. His partly unbuttoned shirt that was well hidden under the dark jacket gave him an almost rebel allure. His hair was put down and now had an oval shape. His dark colored jeans were messy, because he hadn’t worn them in a very long time. It was amazing how a change of clothes could change the perspective of how people looked at him.
After his little brother got out of the car, Kaiba sighted deeply. He was mad at Mokuba for forcing him to dress like that, but he didn’t want to ruin his brother’s day.
“I can’t believe you made me dress up like this just to go to a festival Mokuba…You know you’re grounded for the next month, right?”
“Ow, don’t be such a party-crasher, Seto! I think you look great! Thanks for doing this for me. I really appreciate it.”
“At least you didn’t invite that mutt and his friends over. I would have died of a heart attack…” he sighted again.
“No, you would have probably thrown them out of the car, Seto. I know you, big bro. You can’t stand the sight of Joey or Tea…or anyone of them for that matter!”
Kaiba’s temper was rising fast. He tried to appear calm, yet he couldn’t let his little brother continue making a fool out of him.
“Don’t play smart with me, Mokuba. I can’t stand the sight of Wheeler because he is an underrated duelist. The only one I am looking forward to meet is Yugi, so that I can challenge him to a duel.
Mokuba knew his elder brother would act like that and he was disappointed in the answer. The fact that he changed his clothes only made him even tenser.
„You know, everyone thinks you’re a genius, but I think you’re pretty stupid right now.”
A decent amount of people gathered around Kaiba with different reasons: some wanted autographs, others wanted to take pictures and some just wanted to check out his new look.
Somewhere in the back of the crowd, two pairs of green eyes were staring at the young CEO, one with interest, the other with disgrace.
“Ehh, so this is the all-mighty Seto Kaiba. You know it’s the first time I see him in person, right Joey?” a strange, yet feminine voice whispered silently, while licking a heart-shaped lollypop.
There was no response from the other green-eyes girl. She was staring blanc, not at the CEO, but through him, through his heart and soul.
“Joanna?” the other repeated.
She got a response after a few more seconds. The other girl slowly turned around and walked out of the crowd and into the open space.
“Let’s go, Koyuki. I’ve seen enough.” Her tone was low and calm, yet filled with anger and disgrace.
“Geez…this girl is gonna drive me crazy…” She looked past her shoulder at Kaiba and then bit a part of the huge lollypop of with a loud crack. “But first, I’ll help her drive you crazy, Kaiba…just wait and see…”

Story, Joanna Heathrow © ShamanicDuelist

Artwork, Ishimaru Koyuki © anne-demoangel

Yu-gi-oh!, Seto Kaiba, Mokuba Kaiba © Kazuki Takahashi, Konami

Poems are the artist’s way

Posted in Despre persoana, Munca unui artist necunoscut on 27/02/2009 by Phoenix



Posted in Uncategorized on 27/02/2009 by Phoenix

Tocmai mi’am dat seama ca m’am grabit cu publicarea blogului. M’am indepartat de ceea ce imi doream original, si aceea de a avea un mic coltisor al meu, personalizat, in care sa ma regasesc si unde pot sa’mi exprim gandurile in fata unei audiente largi.

Nu voi posta nimic pentru o perioada de timp, scurta de preferabil, pana nu voi rearanja integ blogul. Imi cer sincer scuze celor care asteptau un alt articol de la mine. Promit sa ma revansez.



Posted in Despre muzica, Despre persoana on 26/02/2009 by Phoenix

Comatose Mi-am propus sa vorbesc despre trupa mea preferata, Skillet, avand in vedere ce impact a avut muzica lor asupra preferintelor mele.

Skillet este o trupa de christian rock din Memphis, Tennessee ce s’a infiintat in anul 1996. Trupa este alcatuita din John Cooper[vocal, bass], Korey Cooper[chitara, vocal, clape], Ben Kasica[chitara] si Jen Ledger[tobe].

Pe parcursul anilor, Skillet a lansat 7 albume de alternative, industrial si hard rock, cu piese cat mai variate cu teme la fel de variate, de la ideeae extraterestrilor la cantece dedicate lui Iisus.

Cu un sound unic, Skillet a obtinut doua nominalizari la Grammy pentru albumele Colide din 2003 si Comatose din 2006.

Din nefericire, acestia nu au luat premiile, dat succesul si faima trupei continua sa creasca odata cu lansarea  Comatose Comes Alive CD/DVD Combo de pe data de 21 Octombrie 2008. Aceasta este o inregistrare a concertului lor din Chattanooga Tennessee de pe data de 9 Mai 2008.

In mijlocul anului 2006, Korey Cooper a luat o pauza din cauza sarcinii acesteia cu cel de’al doilea copil. Rolul ei in trupa a fost luat pentru o perioada de Drea Wincell la clape si Chris Marvin la chitara.

Skillet a cantat impreuna cu Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace si Seether pentru prima parte a turneului lor din 2007.

De asemenea, acestia participa la turneul Winter Jam 2008.

Turneul Comatose a inceput din Thousand Foot Krutch, calatorind prin mai mult de 30 de orase. Turneul a inceput pe data de 28 Martie continuand pana pe 11 Martie 2008.

Skillet a avut de curand[din Aprilie in Junie 2008] un turneu cu Decyfer Down si Disciple.

Imi aduc aminte ca cineva m’a intrebat de ce imi place Skillet[adaugand niste insulte destul de urate trupei].

Acum…eu as putea sa scot cine stie ce motiv nesimtit[pentru lipsa de cuvant mai bun in momentul scrierii], cum ar fi „pentru sunt cei mai buni” sau „pentru ca sunt mai buni decat _______[insert random group name here]”, dar eu o sa fiu sincera. Imi place Skillet din doua motive:

1. Ma regasesc in piesele lor. Simt fiecare vers asa cum ar trebui, nu ca pe niste cuvinte aruncate frumos pe niste pagini prafuite de carnet de cecuri si apoi puse pe o melodie, ci ca pe niste mesaje ascunse in interiorul cuvintelor, mesaje pe care le ascult atenta si le descifrez incet, incet, mesaje care ma surprind de fiecare data. Imi pare ca nu multa lume mai face ca mine…pacat…mare pacat…

2. Este ceva unic si nou. Nu spun ca sunt mai buni, n’am spus niciodata asa ceva. Pentru mine, si poate numai pentru mine, Skillet este o trupa unicata, cu un sound unicat si cu membrii la fel de unicati care aduc putere trupei. Nu am gasit[ma rog, nici nu m’am straduit] vreo alta trupa care sa acopere aria pe care o face Skillet, si desi o sa ma repet, acestia avand teme de la extrateresti la crestinatate.

Am prea multe laude pentru trupa asta, dar prea putin timp, avand in vedere ce ma asteapta azi[bleah, meditatie! X_X] Va las cu versurile melodiei mele preferate, Comatose.